Operation Hero

Operation Hero: an After-School Program for Military Children

Military children can bear a tremendous amount of stress related to frequent moves, parental deployment, and trauma should a parent be wounded or killed. Oftentimes, military spouses are dealing with similar emotions and may not know how to address their child’s attitudes and behaviors that might hinder progress at school and at home.

That’s why we offer Operation Hero, a free after-school program tailored to the unique struggles of military children. The program addresses topics specifically relevant to the military child and their experience, and provides tools and opportunities for military children to adjust positively to the hardships of a military lifestyle.

Program Overview

The program is designed to help military kids (grades 2-8) get back on track in school and at home.

When children enroll in Operation Hero, they work within a team to navigate through the 10-week course.

A trained professional specializing in military youth oversees each Operation Hero session. The facilitator leads children in group discussions about who they are and how they fit in at home and school. They discuss how to manage feelings, friendships, and conflict. The sessions also include a period of homework assistance in areas identified by their classroom teacher, snack time, and an activity supporting the theme of the week.

Operation Hero is unique in that it addresses topics specifically relevant to the military child and their experience. The program provides tools and opportunities for military children to adjust positively to the hardships of a military lifestyle.

Our program’s three-component system breaks up the learning process so that students easily digest information through homework assistance, outdoor activities, and classroom lesson plans.

Topics include:

  • Self-Esteem
  • Respect
  • Responsibility
  • Honesty and Integrity
  • Feelings and Caring
  • Deployments and Family Separations
  • Problem Solving and Teamwork
  • Friends and Family
  • Bullying Prevention

Operation Hero is currently offered at Alice Douse ES, Skipcha ES, Mountain View ES, and Killeen ES. School personnel refer children to Operation Hero. For more information about the program, and to receive a referral, please reach out to the counselor’s office at participating elementary schools.